Sajag |
Posted: Dec 29 2005, 09:52 PM |
Group: Admin
Posts: 236
Joined: 25-July 05
Class: Warlock
Professions: Alchemy, Herbalism
A very happy and fortuitious new year to all KMA members! Match your bags for the occasion and go roll on the last guild prize of this year! This raffle is contributed to us by Predion.
Don't forget to plot one more date in your calendar as well, for Erebur is hosting a get-together for all you dwarves in our midst. Though gnomes are not explicitly excluded either, it seems!
And finally, a minor tweak to the forums: The race, class and professions of all members are now shown in the sidebar in their posts, under their name and avatar. |
Chii |
Posted: Dec 29 2005, 09:59 PM |
Group: Officers
Posts: 446
Joined: 26-July 05
Class: Rogue
Professions: Engineering, Mining
Thats nice Sajag! Uh buy the way, just curious, how is the new Khazmodan.net coming? |
Sajag |
Posted: Dec 29 2005, 10:04 PM |
Group: Admin
Posts: 236
Joined: 25-July 05
Class: Warlock
Professions: Alchemy, Herbalism
It's not quite ready yet, but it's coming along... 3/5 pages are completely done, with one about 33% done, and the last page (the hardest one - the raffle page) not even started yet.
I'm afraid I won't be able to surprise you with the finished version this year, particularly when after doing the page layouts I still have to work out the Internet Explorer problems! But I haven't abandoned it, although I've only done it every now and then |
Xennus |
Posted: Jan 1 2006, 02:40 AM |
Guild Master
Group: Officers
Posts: 117
Joined: 3-September 05
Class: Paladin
Professions: Blacksmithing, Mining
The new years celebrations for anyone who missed them
My (aweful) music collection |
Sajag |
Posted: Jan 1 2006, 08:09 PM |
Group: Admin
Posts: 236
Joined: 25-July 05
Class: Warlock
Professions: Alchemy, Herbalism
I had the current raffle end on the wrong day. It was meant continue until next Friday, but I had put in the wrong date so it actually ended today.
I have extended the raffle, and all rolls on it still stand as they are. Sorry if this caused confusion! |